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Misconduct complaint dismissed resulting in a party affiliation change (2021)

Jan. 1, 1900

On January 22, 2021, a legislative committee in the Kansas House of Representatives dismissed a formal complaint against Coleman for past inappropriate conduct. Democratic state lawmakers submitted the complaint highlighting some of his previous behavior, which included instances of cyberbullying, revenge porn, and threats against other political figures. As a result of the investigation, on January 12, Coleman requested his party affiliation be listed as Independent, effective immediately. However, once the committee decided against formal action, Coleman rejoined the Democratic Party. "I was elected as a Democrat. I ran as a Democrat. I vote with the Democrats," Coleman said on February 8. The legislative panel sent an informal letter to Coleman listing future behavioral expectations. Coleman said he would follow the suggestions given to him by his fellow lawmakers. In total, Coleman left the Democratic Party for less than one month.