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Josh Shapiro


Won the General, 2022 Pennsylvania Governor

Won the Primary, 2022 Pennsylvania Governor, Primary Election

Won the General, 2020 Pennsylvania Attorney General

Won the General, 2016 Pennsylvania Attorney General

Pennsylvania Attorney General (2017 - Present)

Chairman, Board of Commissioners, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania (2012 - Present)

Quick Facts
Personal Details


  • JD, Georgetown University Law, 1999-2002
  • BA, University of Rochester, 1991-1995

Professional Experience

  • JD, Georgetown University Law, 1999-2002
  • BA, University of Rochester, 1991-1995
  • Attorney, Ballard, Spahr, Andrews and Ingersoll, Limited Liability Partnership, 2003-present
  • Counsel, Stradley, Ronon, Stevens, and Young, Limited Liability Partnership, present
  • Chief of Staff, United States Representative Joe Hoeffel, 1999-2003
  • Senior Advisor, United States Senator Robert Torricelli, 1998-1999
  • Senior Advisor, United States Representative Peter Deutsch, 1996-1998
  • Legislative Assistant, United States Senator Carl Levin, 1995-1996

Political Experience

  • JD, Georgetown University Law, 1999-2002
  • BA, University of Rochester, 1991-1995
  • Attorney, Ballard, Spahr, Andrews and Ingersoll, Limited Liability Partnership, 2003-present
  • Counsel, Stradley, Ronon, Stevens, and Young, Limited Liability Partnership, present
  • Chief of Staff, United States Representative Joe Hoeffel, 1999-2003
  • Senior Advisor, United States Senator Robert Torricelli, 1998-1999
  • Senior Advisor, United States Representative Peter Deutsch, 1996-1998
  • Legislative Assistant, United States Senator Carl Levin, 1995-1996
  • Attorney General, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 2017-present
  • Former Chair, Board of Commissioners, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania
  • Candidate, Attorney General, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 2016, 2020
  • Representative, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania House of Representatives, 2004-2012

Religious, Civic, and other Memberships

  • JD, Georgetown University Law, 1999-2002
  • BA, University of Rochester, 1991-1995
  • Attorney, Ballard, Spahr, Andrews and Ingersoll, Limited Liability Partnership, 2003-present
  • Counsel, Stradley, Ronon, Stevens, and Young, Limited Liability Partnership, present
  • Chief of Staff, United States Representative Joe Hoeffel, 1999-2003
  • Senior Advisor, United States Senator Robert Torricelli, 1998-1999
  • Senior Advisor, United States Representative Peter Deutsch, 1996-1998
  • Legislative Assistant, United States Senator Carl Levin, 1995-1996
  • Attorney General, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 2017-present
  • Former Chair, Board of Commissioners, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania
  • Candidate, Attorney General, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 2016, 2020
  • Representative, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania House of Representatives, 2004-2012
  • Member, American Bar Association, 2003-present
  • Member, Montgomery County Bar Association, 2003-present
  • Member, Pennsylvania State Bar Association, 2003-present
  • Member, Philadelphia Bar Association, 2003-present
  • Former Chair, Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency

Other Info

Reason for Seeking Public Office:

There's nothing more important to a democracy than the citizens' trust and confidence in those elected to govern.

The election will come down to this: who can lead the office with integrity, who has the judgment and executive experience to clean up a mess, and who has a track record of fighting for our collective values -- and I hope you'll join me in this campaign.

While this letter is lengthier than the typical political announcement, I want you to understand why it is that I've decided to take this step and why I believe I am uniquely qualified to be your next Attorney General.

Throughout my life, I've been dedicated to two things: my family and public service. My wife Lori and I were high school sweethearts and we've been blessed with four incredible children. We want them to grow up and prosper in a democracy they can trust.

My first experience in public service came after graduating from the University of Rochester when I went to Washington and worked for members of the U.S. Senate and House. I eventually went on to serve as Chief of Staff to a member of Congress from Pennsylvania. At night, while I worked full time, I went to Georgetown University where I earned my law degree.

With our two year old, Lori and I moved back home in 2003 to the community where I grew up. While working at a law firm in Philadelphia, I launched an underdog campaign for state Representative in an overwhelmingly Republican district. I knocked on 18,000 doors and listened to my neighbors. My hard work paid off and against the odds and conventional political wisdom, I was elected as a progressive Democrat, defeating a well-known Republican in Montgomery County.

I think it's fair to say that when I got to Harrisburg in 2005 not everyone was glad I had arrived. I became a thorn in the side of those who believed in politics as usual; those who thought that the lines between right and wrong could be changed to suit their political needs.

I was determined to be a champion of good government. I'm proud to have authored the most sweeping ethics reforms in Pennsylvania in generations. I wrote changes to House rules that ended wasteful perks like taxpayer-funded private car leases, fought for greater transparency as a co-author of the Open Records Law, required time for public input before voting on bills so laws weren't passed in secret and I shed light on a $200 million slush fund legislators squirreled away for themselves.

I also led by example. I voted against, refused to accept and led the fight to repeal the infamous "pay-raise" that was passed in the dark of night. Then, when the state was running a $2 billion deficit, I returned my cost-of-living pay increase back to taxpayers.

Five years ago, I ran to change the leadership of Montgomery County, and our victory in that election allowed Democrats to take control of our County government for the first time in 150 years. I became Chairman of the third-largest county in Pennsylvania and in charge of a $389 million budget and over 2,300 employees.

This past November, Montgomery County voters rewarded my efforts to reform the status quo, and I was re-elected with more than 60 percent of the vote. In a county with more registered Republicans than any other in Pennsylvania, we showed that Democrats win when we can govern effectively and ethically.

I'm proud of my record in Montgomery County, turning record deficits into consecutive budget surpluses while making new, critical investments in open spaces, infrastructure, human services, and public safety while reducing debt. We adopted brand new ethics and procurement standards that saved tax dollars, ensured transparency in the system and have been a model for other counties across Pennsylvania.

We stood up for Democratic values, leading the fight against the Corbett Administration's discriminatory Voter ID plan and issuing the first marriage licenses to gay and lesbian couples in Pennsylvania. We took on the scourge of heroin infecting our communities, working with the head of the Pennsylvania Police Chiefs Association to devise a strategy for stemming the tide of narcotics overdoses and providing the life-saving Naloxone to first-responders throughout the county.

I'm especially proud that in Montgomery County we put an end to annual taxpayer giveaways to Wall Street bankers. Until we reformed our pension system, Wall Street was charging excessive fees, and limiting the county's rate of return. So we became among the first counties in the U.S. to cut-out the Wall Street middle men, invest in low-fee index funds and boost the returns on our pension investments, saving taxpayers millions of dollars and ensuring stability to our employee's retirement funds. We showed that we could reform our pension system without hurting hard working government employees.

More important than any particular policy or accomplishment, at a time when frustration with government is at an all-time high, we showed that we could make government work. Today, people in Montgomery County are once again proud of their government. It's proof that progressive leadership, built on a foundation of integrity, can restore faith in public service and improve people's lives.

In addition to my work in Montgomery County, I'm honored to serve as the Chairman of the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency. I've held dozens of meetings and forums across the Commonwealth in the past year. I'm determined to bring common sense reforms to our criminal justice system, protect victims and be smart on crime.

Non-violent offenders, particularly those battling addiction and mental illness, are clogging our prisons and costing us billions of dollars. We need to stop treating diseases as crimes and redouble our efforts to provide treatment and go after those who commit serious crimes and make sure they are punished to the full extent of the law.

Pennsylvania's next Attorney General will face many specific challenges but the most pressing challenge we face today in our justice system is a crisis of confidence, doubts about the administration of justice and the results that follow. From "Bonusgate" to "Kids For Cash" and now to "Porngate" we can't help but feel frustrated with our democracy and its leaders.

I understand the public's frustration because I feel it too. The worst part… the public reaction to each scandal is a combination of outrage and, "well what can you expect?' That attitude allows the status quo to fester, for good people to be denied their rights and for some politicians and purported public servants to hold Pennsylvania back.

We can and must expect more.

As Attorney General, I'll lead the effort to restore integrity to our government. I'll do this by advocating for and adopting tough ethical standards and by looking out for those who often get hurt in the system that is rigged against them.

I'll stand up for consumers who get ripped off. I'll protect seniors and aggressively pursue those who commit fraud and abuse against them. I'll take on the oil and gas drillers to ensure that our communities have safe drinking water -- and I'll join the fight to ensure the drillers pay their fair share for using our resources. I'll never be afraid to stand up and speak out about the plague of illegal guns that get into the hands of criminals and others who shouldn't have them.

I'll hold corrupt officials accountable for their actions and do my part to end the disgraceful behavior that has besmirched our commonwealth. We will arrest those who break the laws and draw clear lines for our politicians to follow.

I believe deeply in the value of public service and want to make this commonwealth stronger for my family and yours. I have a long track record of doing what's right and proven over time that I have the judgment and know-how to get the job done.

Throughout my career, people have told me that the challenges before me were too hard, too entrenched to fix. The more they tell me its impossible to fix, the more motivated I am to surround myself with smart, ethical people, build a coalition, lay out a strategy and see it through. The task before me, to rebuild the Office of Attorney General and restore integrity to our justice system is no doubt immense but it's a challenge that in many ways I've been preparing for my entire professional life.

I am looking forward to campaigning across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to listen to your ideas, address your concerns and earn your vote.

Policy Positions



1. What is your stance on abortion?
- Pro-choice

Gun Control

Should there be more restrictions on the current process of purchasing a gun?
- Yes

Gay Marriage

Do you support the legalization of same sex marriage?
- Yes

LGBT Adoption Rights

Should gay couples have the same adoption rights as straight couples?
- Yes

Equal Pay

Should employers be required to pay men and women the same salary for the same job?
- Yes

Stay At Home Order

Should the government enforce a "stay-at-home" order to combat the coronavirus?
- Yes

Climate Change

Should the government increase environmental regulations to prevent climate change?
- Yes

Planned Parenthood Funding

Should the government continue to fund Planned Parenthood?
- Yes

Trump Impeachment

Do you support the impeachment of President Donald Trump?
- Yes, Trump committed a crime when he threatened to withhold aid from Ukraine

Mandatory Vaccinations

Should the government require children to be vaccinated for preventable diseases?
- Yes

Marital Rape

Should marital rape be classified and punished as severely as non-marital rape?
- Yes

Pre-Existing Conditions

Should health insurers be allowed to deny coverage to individuals who have a pre-existing condition?
- No

Police Body Cameras

Should police officers be required to wear body cameras?
- Yes, this will protect the safety and rights of police officers and citizens

Gun Buyback

Should the federal government institute a mandatory buyback of assault weapons?
- Yes, but start with a voluntary buyback and ban on purchasing assault weapons before enforcing a mandatory buyback

Religious Freedom Act

Should a business be able to deny service to a customer if the request conflicts with the owner’s religious beliefs?
- No

Drug Price Regulation

Should the government regulate the prices of life-saving drugs?
- Yes

Gender Identity

Should "gender identity" be added to anti-discrimination laws?
- Yes, and the government should do more to protect minorities from discrimination

Armed Teachers

Should teachers be allowed to carry guns at school?
- No

Government Mandates

Should health insurance providers be required to offer free birth control?
- Yes

Immigrant Children

Should adults that are illegally attempting to cross the U.S. border be separated from their children?
- No


Should the U.S. raise taxes on the rich?
- Yes

Mental Health

Should the government increase funding for mental health research and treatment?
- Yes

Stay-At-Home Order

When should your state end the "Stay at Home" order and reopen its economy?
- Until a vaccine is approved by the FDA

Border Wall

Should the U.S. build a wall along the southern border?
- No, but increase our military presence along the southern border

Immigration Ban

Should there be a temporary ban on all immigration into the United States?
- No

Student Loans

Do you support increasing taxes for the rich in order to reduce interest rates for student loans?
- Yes

Minimum Wage

Should the government raise the federal minimum wage?
- Yes

Muslim Immigrants

Should Muslim immigrants be banned from entering the country until the government improves its ability to screen out potential terrorists?
- No

Muslim Surveillance

Should local police increase surveillance and patrol of Muslim neighborhoods?
- No, targeting Muslims is unconstitutional, racist, and incendiary

Free College for All

Should the federal government pay for tuition at four-year colleges and universities?
- Yes


Should the redrawing of Congressional districts be controlled by an independent, non-partisan commission?
- Yes

Women in Combat

Should the military allow women to serve in combat roles?
- Yes

Paid Sick Leave

Should businesses be required to provide paid leave for full-time employees during the birth of a child or sick family member?
- Yes


Should the U.S. go to war with Iran?
- No

Immigration Healthcare

Should illegal immigrants have access to government-subsidized healthcare?
- No

No-Fly List Gun Control

Should people on the "no-fly list" be banned from purchasing guns and ammunition?
- Yes


Should children of illegal immigrants be granted legal citizenship?
- Yes

Mandatory Military Service

Should every 18 year old citizen be required to provide at least one year of military service?
- No, service should be a choice instead of an obligation

Deporting Criminal Immigrants

Should immigrants be deported if they commit a serious crime?
- Yes

United Nations

Should the U.S. remain in the United Nations?
- Yes

Drug Policy

Are you in favor of decriminalizing drug use?
- Yes, for most but not all drugs

Foreign Lobbying

Should foreign lobbyists be allowed to raise money for American elections?
- No


Should the federal government increase funding of health care for low income individuals (Medicaid)?
- Yes, but only increase for the elderly and disabled


Do you support the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)?
- Yes

Term Limits

Should there be term limits set for members of Congress?
- No


Do you support the legalization of Marijuana?
- Yes

Electoral College

Should the electoral college be abolished?
- Yes

Corporate Tax

Should the U.S. raise or lower the tax rate for corporations?
- Raise

Illegal Immigrant Detainment

Should local law enforcement be allowed to detain illegal immigrants for minor crimes and transfer them to federal immigration authorities?
- Yes

Death Penalty

Do you support the death penalty?
- No

Campaign Finance

1. Should there be a limit to the amount of money a candidate can receive from a donor?
- Yes, politicians should not be bought by wealthy donors


Do you support the use of hydraulic fracking to extract oil and natural gas resources?
- No, we should pursue more sustainable energy resources instead

Foreign Elections

Should the government attempt to influence foreign elections?
- No

NSA Domestic Surveillance

Should the NSA (National Security Agency) be allowed to collect basic metadata of citizen’s phone calls such as numbers, timestamps, and call durations?
- No

Single-Payer Healthcare

Do you support a single-payer healthcare system?
- Yes

Immigrant Assimilation

Should immigrants be required to learn English?
- No

Israel Boycott

Should it be illegal to join a boycott of Israel?
- No

Immigrant Laborers

Should working illegal immigrants be given temporary amnesty?
- Yes, create a simple path to citizenship for immigrants with no criminal record

Sanctuary Cities

Should sanctuary cities receive federal funding?
- Yes

Transgender Athletes

Should transgender athletes be allowed to compete in athletic events?
- Yes, but only if their hormone levels are equivalent to those in the gender category in which they compete


1. Should the U.S. remain in NATO?
- Yes

Gun Liability

Should victims of gun violence be allowed to sue firearms dealers and manufacturers?
- No

Alternative Energy

Should the government give tax credits and subsidies to the wind power industry?
- Yes, the government should support more sustainable energy technologies

Military Congressional Approval

Should the President be able to authorize military force against Al-Qaeda without Congressional approval?
- No, Congress should approve all military conflicts

Confederate Flag

Should states be allowed to display the Confederate flag on government property?
- No, it should be put in a museum where it was originally flown

Right of Foreigners to Vote

Should foreigners, currently residing in the United States, have the right to vote?
- No, only legal citizens should be allowed to vote


Should the military be allowed to use enhanced interrogation techniques, such as waterboarding, to gain information from suspected terrorists?
- No


Do you support the killing of Iranian Major General Qassem Soleimani?
- No, this could unnecessarily start another war in the Middle East

In-State Tuition

Should illegal immigrants be offered in-state tuition rates at public colleges within their residing state?
- No

Social Media Regulation

Should the government regulate social media sites, as a means to prevent fake news and misinformation?
- No, social media companies are private and should not be regulated by the government

Border Security

Should the U.S. increase restrictions on its current border security policy?
- No

Voter Fraud

Should a photo ID be required to vote?
- Yes, this will prevent voter fraud

Gender Workplace Diversity

Should businesses be required to have women on their board of directors?
- No, board members should be the most qualified regardless of gender

Private Prisons

Should the government hire private companies to run prisons?
- No

Corporate Mega Mergers

Should the government prevent "mega mergers" of corporations that could potentially control a large percentage of market share within its industry?
- Yes

Net Neutrality

Should internet service providers be allowed to speed up access to popular websites (that pay higher rates) at the expense of slowing down access to less popular websites (that pay lower rates)?
- No

Plastic Product Ban

Should disposable products (such as plastic cups, plates, and cutlery) that contain less than 50% of biodegradable material be banned?
- Yes

Welfare Drug Testing

Should welfare recipients be tested for drugs?
- Yes

Oil Drilling

Should the U.S. expand offshore oil drilling?
- No


Should the U.S. continue to support Israel?
- Yes

Citizenship Test

Should immigrants be required to pass a citizenship test to demonstrate a basic understanding of our country’s language, history, and government?
- Yes, but it should only cover very basic and simple topics


Should terminally ill patients be allowed to end their lives via assisted suicide?
- Yes, but only if there is no chance they will survive their illness

Candidate Transparency

Should political candidates be required to release their recent tax returns to the public?
- Yes, and also required to release their medical records

Paris Climate Agreement

Should the U.S. withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement?
- No

Government Spending

Should the government make cuts to public spending in order to reduce the national debt?
- No

Campaign Finance

1. Should corporations, unions, and non-profit organizations be allowed to donate to political parties?
- No

Skilled Immigrants

Should the US increase or decrease the amount of temporary work visas given to high-skilled immigrant workers?
- Increase

Patriot Act

Do you support the Patriot Act?
- Yes

Medicaid Work Requirement

Should people be required to work in order to receive Medicaid?
- No, the vast majority of people who receive Medicaid are disabled

Universal Basic Income

Do you support a universal basic income program?
- Yes

Medicare Drug Prices

Should the federal government be allowed to negotiate drug prices for Medicare?
- Yes

Safe Spaces

Should universities provide "trigger warnings" and "safe spaces" for students?
- Yes


Should there be a 5-year ban on White House and Congressional officials from becoming lobbyists after they leave the government?
- Yes

Flag Burning

Should it be illegal to burn the American flag?
- No, I don’t respect anyone who does but they should have the right to do so

North Korea Military Strikes

Should the U.S. conduct military strikes against North Korea in order to destroy their long-range missile and nuclear weapons capabilities?
- No

Minimum Voting Age

Should the minimum voting age be lowered?
- No, and voters should be required to pass a basic test demonstrating their understanding of politics in order to vote


Should there be fewer or more restrictions on current welfare benefits?
- More

Labor Unions

Do you believe labor unions help or hurt the economy?
- Help

Whistleblower Protection

Should the government pass laws which protect whistleblowers?
- Yes


Should the U.S. provide military aid to Saudi Arabia during its conflict with Yemen?
- No


Should women be allowed to wear a Niqab, or face veil, to civic ceremonies?
- Yes, we should respect all cultural traditions

Military Spending

Should the government increase or decrease military spending?
- Decrease

Supreme Court Reform

Should the Supreme Court be reformed to include more seats and term limits on judges?
- Yes

Solitary Confinement for Juveniles

Should prisons ban the use of solitary confinement for juveniles?
- Yes, it is severely psychologically damaging to young undeveloped minds

Free Tax Filing

Should the IRS create a free electronic tax filing system?
- Yes

Syrian Refugees

Should the U.S. accept refugees from Syria?
- Yes, we should accept 10,000 refugees

Affirmative Action

Do you support affirmative action programs?
- Yes

Common Core

Do you support Common Core national standards?
- No, teach to each student's potential instead of uniform testing

Foreign Assassination

Should the US assassinate suspected terrorists in foreign countries?
- Yes

First Amendment

Should the government support a separation of church and state by removing references to God on money, federal buildings, and national monuments?
- Yes

Capital Gains Tax

Should the government increase the tax rate on profits earned from the sale of stocks, bonds, and real estate?
- Yes

Safe Haven

Should cities open drug "safe havens" where people who are addicted to illegal drugs can use them under the supervision of medical professionals?
- Yes

Dakota Access Pipeline

Should the government stop construction of the Dakota Access pipeline?
- Yes

Foreign Aid

Should the US increase or decrease foreign aid spending?
- Increase

ISIS Ground Troops

Should the U.S. send ground troops into Syria to fight ISIS?
- No

Overtime Pay

Should the government require businesses to pay salaried employees, making up to $46k/year, time-and-a-half for overtime hours?
- Yes

Eminent Domain

Should the government be allowed to seize private property, with reasonable compensation, for public or civic use?
- Yes


Should foreign terrorism suspects be given constitutional rights?
- No


Should the military fly drones over foreign countries to gain intelligence and kill suspected terrorists?
- Yes

Economic Stimulus

Should the government use economic stimulus to aid the country during times of recession?
- Yes

VA Privatization

Should there be more or less privatization of veterans’ healthcare?
- Less

Social Security

Should the government raise the retirement age for Social Security?
- No

GMO Labels

Should producers be required to label genetically engineered foods (GMOs)?
- Yes

Universal Pre-K

Should the federal government fund Universal preschool?
- Yes, but funding should come from states instead of the federal government

Criminal Voting Rights

Should convicted criminals have the right to vote?
- Yes


Should the United States pull all military troops out of Afghanistan?
- Yes

Dual Citizenship

Should immigrants to the United States be allowed to hold dual citizenship status?
- Yes

Criminal Politicians

Should a politician, who has been formerly convicted of a crime, be allowed to run for office?
- Yes, as long as it was not a felony, violent, financial, or sexual crime

Mandatory minimum prison sentences

Do you support mandatory minimum prison sentences for people charged with drug possession?
- No


Should the U.S. continue to participate in the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)?
- Yes

Estate Tax

Should the current estate tax rate be decreased?
- No

Nuclear Energy

Do you support the use of nuclear energy?
- Yes

Drug Trafficking Penalties

Should drug traffickers receive the death penalty?
- No, I do not believe in the death penalty

Space Exploration

Should the government fund space travel?
- Yes

War on ISIS

Should the U.S. formally declare war on ISIS?
- No


Do you support President Obama’s move to lift the trade and travel embargo on Cuba?
- Yes


Should the government add or increase tariffs on products imported into the country?
- No

China Tariffs

Should the U.S. increase tariffs on imported products from China?
- No


Should the U.S. provide military assistance to defend Ukraine from Russia?
- Yes

Domestic Jobs

Should the President offer tax breaks to individual companies to keep jobs in the U.S.?
- No

Tech Monopolies

Should the government break up Amazon, Facebook and Google?
- No


1. Should the U.S. defend other NATO countries that maintain low military defense budgets relative to their GDP?
- Yes

Federal Reserve

Should the Federal Reserve Bank be audited by Congress?
- Yes, we deserve to know who the bank gives money to

Farm Subsidies

Should the government subsidize farmers?
- Yes

Property Taxes

Would you favor an increased sales tax in order to reduce property taxes?
- No

NSA Surveillance

Should the U.S. continue NSA surveillance of its allies?
- Yes

Offshore Banking

Should U.S. citizens be allowed to save or invest their money in offshore bank accounts?
- No

Pension Reform

Should pension plans for federal, state, and local government workers be transitioned into privately managed accounts?
- No

Edward Snowden

Should the U.S. government grant immunity to Edward Snowden?
- Yes, he should be protected under the Whistleblower Protection Act

Charter Schools

Do you support charter schools?
- Yes, but not at the expense of funding public schools

Russian Airstrikes in Syria

Should the U.S. prevent Russia from conducting airstrikes in Syria?
- Yes

Prison Overcrowding

Should non-violent prisoners be released from jail in order to reduce overcrowding?
- Yes, but place them under house arrest using an electronic bracelet

Trans-Pacific Partnership

Do you support the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)?
- Yes

India Arms

Should the U.S. sell military weapons to India in order to counter Chinese and Russian influence?
- No, and we should increase diplomatic efforts to resolve conflicts peacefully

Government Pensions

Should pension payments be increased for retired government workers?
- Yes

Public Transportation

Should the government increase spending on public transportation?
- Yes, and provide more free public transportation


Should Jerusalem be recognized as the capital of Israel?
- No

Online Sales Tax

Should an in-state sales tax apply to online purchases of in-state buyers from out-of-state sellers?
- Yes

School Truancy

Should the government decriminalize school truancy?
- Yes

Hong Kong Fugitive Extradition

Should the Chinese government be able to extradite fugitives from Hong Kong?
- No

Corporate Subsidies

Should cities be allowed to offer private companies economic incentives to relocate?
- Yes, as long as the local environment is not compromised


Should the government classify Bitcoin as a legal currency?
- No

State Ownership

Should the government acquire equity stakes in companies it bails out during a recession?
- No, the government should never own shares of private companies


Should the United States acquire Greenland?
- No

Air Force One

Should the military upgrade Air Force One?
- No

Sports Betting

Should sports betting be legal?
- Yes, but let each state decide

Pennsylvania State Legislative Election 2004 National Political Awareness Test


Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding abortion.

1. Abortions should always be illegal.
- No Answer

2. Abortions should always be legal.
- X

3. Abortions should be legal only within the first trimester of pregnancy.
- No Answer

4. Abortions should be legal when the pregnancy resulted from incest or rape.
- No Answer

5. Abortions should be legal when the life of the woman is endangered.
- No Answer

6. Prohibit public funding of abortions and of organizations that advocate or perform abortions.
- No Answer

7. Other or expanded principles
- No Answer

Budgetary, Spending and Tax

State Budget: Indicate the funding levels (#1-6) you will support for the following general categories. Select one level per category.

1. Education (Higher)
- Slightly Increase

2. Education (K-12)
- Greatly Increase

3. Environment
- Slightly Increase

4. Health care
- Slightly Increase

5. Law enforcement
- Slightly Increase

6. Transportation and Highway infrastructure
- Slightly Increase

7. Welfare
- Maintain Status

8. Other or expanded categories
- No Answer

State Taxes: Indicate the tax levels (#1-6) you will support. Select one level per tax.

1. Alcohol taxes
- Maintain Status

2. Capital gains taxes
- Maintain Status

3. Cigarette taxes
- Slightly Increase

4. Corporate taxes
- Maintain Status

5. Gasoline taxes
- Maintain Status

6. Income taxes (incomes below $75,000)
- Maintain Status

7. Income taxes (incomes above $75,000)
- Maintain Status

8. Inheritance taxes
- Slightly Decrease

9. Property taxes
- Greatly Decrease

10. Sales taxes
- Maintain Status

11. Vehicle taxes
- Maintain Status

12. Other or expanded categories
- Eliminate

13. Should Internet sales be taxed?
- No

14. Do you support legalizing slot machines at racetracks?
- Yes

15. Do you support an increase in income taxes in order to lower property taxes and increase aid to education?
- No

16. Other or expanded principles
- No Answer

Campaign Finance and Governmental Reform

Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding campaign finance and government reform.

1. Do you support the current limit of two four-year terms for Pennsylvania governors?
- Yes

2. Do you support limiting the number of terms for Pennsylvania state senators and representatives?
- No

Do you support limiting the following types of contributions to state legislative and gubernatorial candidates?

1. Individual
- Yes

2. PAC
- Yes

3. Corporate
- Yes

4. Political Parties
- Yes

5. Do you support requiring full and timely disclosure of campaign finance information?
- Yes

6. Do you support imposing spending limits on state level political campaigns?
- No

7. Do you support adopting statewide standards for counting, verifying, and ensuring accuracy of votes?
- Yes

8. Do you support prohibiting the reporting of media exit polling results until all polling locations in Pennsylvania are closed?
- Yes

9. Should Pennsylvania recognize civil unions between same-sex couples?
- Yes

10. Should Pennsylvania restrict marriage to a union only between a man and a woman?
- Yes

11. Do you support requiring telecommunications firms to offer broadband services to all of Pennsylvania by 2010?
- Yes

12. Do you support reauthorizing Pennsylvania's current telecommunications regulations (Chapter 30)?
- No Answer

13. Other or expanded principles
- No Answer


Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding crime.

1. Increase state funds for construction of state prisons and for hiring of additional prison staff.
- No Answer

2. Support the death penalty in Pennsylvania.
- X

3. Support programs to provide prison inmates with vocational and job-related skills and job-placement assistance when released.
- X

4. End parole for repeat violent offenders.
- No Answer

5. Implement penalties other than incarceration for certain non-violent offenders.
- X

6. Decriminalize the possession of small amounts of marijuana.
- No Answer

7. Strengthen penalties and sentences for drug-related crimes.
- X

8. Minors accused of a violent crime should be prosecuted as adults.
- X

9. Increase state funding for community centers and other social agencies in areas with at-risk youth.
- X

10. Increase funding for state and local emergency agencies to prevent and to respond to terrorist attacks.
- X

11. Allow the use of radar and LIDAR by local police departments.
- X

12. Other or expanded principles
- X


Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding education.

1. Support national standards and testing of public school students.
- X

2. Provide parents with state-funded vouchers to send their children to any public school.
- No Answer

3. Provide parents with state-funded vouchers to send their children to any private or religious school.
- No Answer

4. Increase state funds for school capital improvements (e.g. buildings and infrastructure).
- X

5. Increase state funds for hiring additional teachers.
- X

6. Support teacher testing and reward with merit pay.
- No Answer

7. Endorse voluntary prayer in public schools.
- No Answer

8. Require public schools to administer high school exit exams.
- No Answer

9. Provide state funding to increase teacher salaries.
- X

10. Increase funding for Head Start programs.
- X

11. Provide state funding for tax incentives and financial aid to help make college more affordable.
- X

12. Support sexual education programs that include information on abstinence, contraceptives, and HIV/STD prevention methods.
- X

13. Support abstinence-only sexual education programs.
- No Answer

14. Other or expanded principles
- X

Employment and Affirmative Action

Employment: Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding employment.

1. Increase funding for state job-training programs that re-train displaced workers and teach skills needed in today's job market.
- X

2. Reduce state government regulations on the private sector in order to encourage investment and economic expansion.
- X

3. Provide low interest loans and tax credits for starting, expanding, or relocating businesses.
- X

4. Provide tax credits for businesses that provide child care for children in low-income working families.
- X

5. Increase state funds to provide child care for children in low-income working families.
- X

6. Include sexual orientation in Pennsylvania's anti-discrimination laws.
- X

7. Increase the state minimum wage.
- X

8. Other or expanded principles
- No Answer

Affirmative Action: Should race, ethnicity, or gender be taken into account in state agencies' decisions on:

1. Public employment
- Yes

2. State college and university admissions
- Yes

3. State contracting
- Yes

4. Other or expanded principles
- a, b, c, d) Race should be "taken into account" but not alone be dispositive.

Environment and Energy

Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding the environment and energy.

1. Promote increased use of alternative fuel technology.
- X

2. Support increased production of traditional domestic energy sources (e.g. coal, natural gas, and oil).
- X

3. Use state funds to clean up former industrial and commercial sites that are contaminated, unused, or abandoned.
- No Answer

4. Support funding for open space preservation.
- X

5. Enact environmental regulations even if they are stricter than federal law.
- X

6. Support the $800 million Growing Greener bond.
- X

7. Support waiving sales taxes on the purchase of energy efficient appliances during twice-annual "tax holidays."
- X

8. Other or expanded principles
- X


Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding guns.

1. Maintain and strengthen the enforcement of existing state restrictions on the purchase and possession of guns.
- X

2. Ease state restrictions on the purchase and possession of guns.
- No Answer

3. Repeal state restrictions on the purchase and possession of guns.
- No Answer

4. Allow citizens to carry concealed guns.
- X

5. Require manufacturers to provide child-safety locks on guns.
- No Answer

6. Require background checks on gun sales between private citizens at gun shows.
- X

7. Require a license for gun possession.
- No Answer

8. Other or expanded principles
- X


Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding health.

1. Ensure that citizens have access to basic health care through managed care, insurance reforms, or state-funded care where necessary.
- X

2. Transfer more existing Medicaid recipients into managed care programs.
- No Answer

3. Limit the amount of punitive damages that can be awarded in medical malpractice lawsuits.
- X

4. Support patients' right to sue their HMOs.
- X

5. Support patients' right to appeal to an administrative board of specialists when services are denied.
- X

6. Guaranteed medical care to all citizens is not a responsibility of state government.
- No Answer

7. Legalize physician assisted suicide in Pennsylvania.
- No Answer

8. Allow doctors to prescribe marijuana to their patients for medicinal purposes.
- No Answer

9. Other or expanded principles
- X

Welfare and Poverty

Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding welfare.

1. Support increased work requirements for able-bodied welfare recipients.
- X

2. Increase funding for employment and job training programs for welfare recipients.
- X

3. Increase access to public transportation for welfare recipients who work.
- X

4. Limit benefits given to recipients if they have additional children while on welfare.
- No Answer

5. Redirect welfare funding to faith-based and community-based private organizations.
- No Answer

6. Use federal TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families) funds to extend health and child care subsidies to the working poor.
- X

7. Support marriage promotion programs for welfare recipients.
- No Answer

8. Eliminate government-funded welfare programs.
- No Answer

9. Other or expanded principles
- No Answer

Legislative Priorities

Please explain in a total of 75 words or less, your top two or three priorities if elected. If they require additional funding for implementation, please explain how you would obtain this funding.
- I will be a strong and consistent voice in the State House for lower property taxes and an increased investment in public education. I will also fight to change state law to allow individuals and small business to form "community networks" and purchase health insurance and reduced rates while supporting our doctors and hospitals. Finally, I will advocate for smart growth policies to curb sprawl.



Jul. 29