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Katie Witt


Censure by city council (2020)

Jan. 1, 1900

In May 2020, Mayor Witt permitted a group to hold an outdoor concert in a Kaysville public park that violated the state of Utah's restrictions on in-person gatherings at the time due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Witt said of the concert in an interview, "It does violate state directives. I believe I need to support people’s First Amendment Rights. I am clearing space for them and allowing them to exercise their First Amendment rights in a safe and responsible way." In response, the Kaysville City Council indicated it would cut electrical power to the park where the concert was planned, leading the organizers to move the concert elsewhere. The council also voted unanimously to issue a letter to Witt censuring her actions. The letter said, "The lack of judgment exhibited in this event and its aftereffects demonstrate an inability to fulfill your duties as mayor and leader in our city." Witt said of the censure, "It’s a slap on the wrist for standing up for the Constitution."